Getting Started Last updated: 2022-03-27

Cipi is a Laravel based cloud server control panel that supports Digital Ocean, AWS, Linode, Azure, Vultr, Google Cloud and other VPS. It comes with nginx, Mysql, multi PHP-FPM versions, multi-users, Supervisor, Composer, npm, free Let's Encrypt certificates, Git deployment, fail2ban, Redis, API and with a simple graphical interface useful to manage Laravel, Codeigniter, Symfony, WordPress or other PHP sites.


  • Easy install: setup one or more servers with a click in less than ten minutes without be a Linux expert.
  • Server Management: manage one or more servers in as easy as a few clicks without be a LEMP Guru.
  • Perfect stack for PHP devs: Cipi comes with nginx, PHP, MySql, Composer, npm, Redis and Supervisor.
  • Multi-PHP: Run simultaneous PHP versions at your ease & convenience.
  • Secure: no unsed open ports, unprivileged PHP, isolated system users and filesystem, only SFTP (no insecure FTP), http/2, Free SSL certificates everywhere.
  • Always update: Cipi takes care about your business and automatically keeps your server's software up to date so you always have the latest security patches.
  • Real-time servers stats: Keep an eye on everything through an awesome dashboard.
  • Always up to date: Cipi installs last versions of LTS dists and supports Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Cipi Stack
Linux OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
nginx 1.18
MySql 8
node.js 16
npm 8
PHP-FPM 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1
PHP CLI 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1
PHP .ini custom configutation
max_filesize / execution_time
256MB / 180
PHP-FPM pool (for each application)
pm.max_children / pm.max_requests
50 / 500
PHP extensions common, curl, openssl, bcmath, mbstring, tokenizer, mysql, sqlite3, pgsql, redis, memcached, json, zip, xml, soap, gd, imagick, fileinfo, imap, cli
Redis yes
Composer 2.x
Supervisor yes
Git yes
Let's Encrypt yes
http/2 Support yes
fail2ban yes
ffmpeg yes


The best way to install Cipi is running autoinstall script on a VPS with 20.04 LTS (fresh installation):

wget -O - | bash
AWS by default disables root login. To login as root inside AWS, login as default user and then use command sudo -s.
  • $ ssh ubuntu@<your server IP address>
  • $ ubuntu@aws:~$ sudo -s
  • $ root@aws:~# wget -O - | bash
At the end of installation process, Cipi will show some password that you have to conserve.
Before you can use Cipi, please make sure your server fulfils these requirements:
  • Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 LTS (Fresh installation)
  • If the server is virtual (VPS), OpenVZ may not be supported (Kernel 2.6)
  • Hardware Requirement: More than 1GB of HDD / At least 1 core processor / 512MB minimum RAM / At least 1 public IP Address (NAT VPS is not supported)
  • For VPS providers such as AWS, those providers already include an external firewall for your VPS, please open port 22, 80 and 443 to install and use Cipi.
  • Installation may take up to about 30 minutes which may also depend on your server's internet speed. After the installation is completed, you are ready to use Cipi to manage your servers.
  • To correctly manage remote servers Cipi has to be on a public IP address... do not use it in localhost!

Security Tips

Default Cipi username and password are: administrator / 12345678.
After first login, you could change them into "settings" area.

At the end of installation process, Cipi will show some password that you have to conserve bacause Cipi will disable "root" access so the only way to SSH into your server after Cipi installation as root is using "cipi" user.
Another useful tip to keep safe your Cipi Panel, is to configure a panel domain/subdomain into "settings area" and require a free SSL certicate for it.


Cipi Dashboard is for viewing your installed servers status. The summary page will display in real-time:

  • Server Name
  • Server Sites number
  • Server CPU usage (in %)
  • Server RAM usage (in %)
  • Server HDD usage (in %)


Servers area is for viewing your servers list, create new server, manage or delete one of them.

The table shows:

  • Server Name
  • Server IP
  • Server Provider
  • Server Location
  • Server Action (Manage server and Destroy server)

By default, Cipi installa "This VPS!" server that lets you to manage the server where Cipi is installed.

Deploy Server

To deploy a new server, click on button: New Server into Server area. and fill the form with these data:

Name The name of Server (e.g. "Production Server")
IP The IP of the Server (IPv4 not IPv6)
Provider Server Provider (e.g. "Digital Ocean")
Location Server location (e.g. "Amsterdam DC3")
Submiting the form, an installation script will appears, copy it and run into your server. At the end of installation process, Cipi will automatically detect the end of installation and will lets you to manage the new server.

Manage a server

To manage a server you have to click on Manage button into Servers area and Cipi will show you a page like this:

Server monitor

Cipi shows realtime usage status of server CPU and RAM into "MANAGE SERVER" area.

Server information

Each server information can be edited filling "Server information" form into "MANAGE SERVER" area:

Name Edit Server Name
IP Edit Server IP
Provider Edit Server Provider
Location Edit Server Location

Server services

Each server service can be restarted clicking a button into "MANAGE SERVER" area.
The managed services are:

  • nginx
  • MySql
  • Redis
  • Supervisor

Server PHP CLI

For each server you can choose which PHP version use into the CLI within a simple select into "MANAGE SERVER" area.
Available versions are:

  • PHP 7.4
  • PHP 8.0
  • PHP 8.1

Server crontab

For each server you can edit crontab into "MANAGE SERVER" area.

Server root password

For security reasons, Cipi disabels "root" user and create a secondary root user with "cipi" username.
To reset cipi User password click: Require Reset into "MANAGE SERVER" area.

Server HD usage

Cipi shows a realtime server HD usage status into "MANAGE SERVER" area.

Server Cipi build

Cipi shows the version of Cipi Client build into "MANAGE SERVER" area.

Destroy a server

To destroy a server you have just to click Delete button into "Servers" area.


A site is your website/webapp consisting of files that will be used for functionality and display purposes.
With Cipi, every Site is separated from each other because each app contains its own settings, database, permissions and PHP-FPM pool. This method allows to each user to be secure and protected in its own right. If one of your websites is compromised, the others would be completely safe.

Sites area is for viewing your applications list, create new Site, manage or delete one of them. The page will display:
  • Site (main) Domain
  • Site Aliases Number
  • Site Server Name
  • Site Server IP
  • Site Action (Manage and Destroy Site)

Create a site

To create a site, click on button: New Site into Sites area. and fill the form with these data:

Domain The main site domain (e.g. or
Server Destination Server
PHP-FPM version PHP Version (7.4 or 8.0, 8.1)
Basepath Entrypoint of Document Root (e.g. "public" in Laravel Applications)
At the end you will receive a summary with SFTP/SSH and database credentials useful to manage your new Site.

Manage a site

To manage a site you have to click on Manage button into Sites area and Cipi will show you a page like this:

Site information

Each site information can be edited filling "Site basic information" form into "MANAGE SITE" area:

Domain Edit Site Main Domain
Basepath Edit Entrypoint of Document Root

Site Aliases

Cipi lets to manage unlimited domain aliases for each site. You can manage them in "Manage Alias" box into "MANAGE SITE" area.

Site SSL Certs

Cipi generates free Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for each site domain and alias domains.
To do it, be sure that you server 443 port is open and click "Generate SSLs" button into "MANAGE SITE" area.
Certificats renew is managed automatically by Cipi server client so you don't need to worry about it.

Site SSH Reset

Every site is associated to an unique SSH user so each site is isolated from each other.
To reset SSH user password click on "password reset SSH" button into "MANAGE SITE" area.
At the end you will receive a summary with SFTP/SSH and database credentials.

Site MySql Reset

Every site is associated to a MySql database and MySql user.
To reset MySql user password click on "password reset MySql" button into "MANAGE SITE" area.
At the end you will receive a summary with SFTP/SSH and database credentials.

Site Github Repository

Configure a Github repository inside your site is very easy with Cipi.
Follow the steps inside "Github Repository" box into "MANAGE SITE" area:

  • Set Github repository
  • Set repository branch
  • Add deploy key into
  • Use sh script to deploy your site

Site PHP-FPM version

For each site you can choose which PHP FPM version use within a simple select into "MANAGE SITE" area.
Available versions are:

  • PHP 7.4
  • PHP 8.0
  • PHP 8.1

Site Supervisor command

For each site you can set a supervisor command filling "supervisor" input into "MANAGE SITE" area.
For example you can set queue jobs into a Laravel site using this command:
php /home/cpUser/web/artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=3 --max-time=3600

Customize site nginx conf

You can customize every Site nginx configuration using cipi root user:

  • Run ssh cipi@<server-ip>
  • Run sudo nano /etc/nginx/cipi/<app-user>.conf
  • Edit your custom configuration
  • Run sudo systemctl restart nginx.service

Destroy a site

To destroy an site you have just to click Delete button into "Sites" area.


Cipi settings area lets you to manage:

  • Change Cipi username
  • Change Cipi password
  • Change Cipi domain/subdomain
  • Generate Cipi domain/subdomain SSL
  • Renew Cipi API key
  • View Cipi API endpoint
  • View Cipi API documentation

API Docs

Cipi has REST APIs useful to manage every server and site action.
You can find an updated API documentation based on Open API at YOUR-IP/api/docs/.

Video Tutorials

Installation on Digital Ocean

Wordpress Installation

phpmyadmin Installation

Github repositories configuration

Mobile App

Christian Giupponi (co-founder of ZeroUno Agency) has developed a mobile application of Cipi so now you can easily manage your server from everywhere within your smartphone.

Download it for free!

iOS version coming soon...


Cipi is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license and developed by Andrea Pollastri.
If you have any question or issue with Cipi, please open an issue on Github.